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My News Blog
August 17, 1999, Northwest Turkey


The name is YUNMAN. Currently at CHIJ St Nicholas Girls', 1Justice Graduated from th most awesome sch on earth, TAO NAN SCHOOL(2004-2009) proud member of th bicepian & taonan-nite family.I'm a die-hard fan of White, Pink and all lovely colours.Addicted to elephants & ice lemon tea. Not much of Red.My greatest enemies are Liar, Backstabber, Hypocrite and Copycats. STRICTLY NO RIPPING

bold underlined strikethrough italic



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Adeline Lim @ http://imperfectfootsteps.blogspot.com
Chloe Phuah @ http://thchoco-latte.blogspot.com
Denis Lan @ http://minus-you-im-better-off.blogspot.com
Emilea Teo @ http://craziness-is-contagious.blogspot.com
Evangel Chng@ http://my-colourfulife.blogspot.com
Faith Ng @ http://faith-fully.blogspot.com
Hazel Ho @ http://im--mature.blogspot.com
JingEn Koh @ http://soarwithm-e.blogspot.com
Jia Xuan Koh@ http://my-blue-cookie.blogspot.com
Kathy Poh@ http://sockpuppeted.blogspot.com
Nicole Lee@ http://smilee-its-me-oh-nicee.blogspot.com
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Su Chen Tay@
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Vina Chew@ http://tearl-ess.blogspot.com
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Xin Yi Chia@ http://snsd-thsweetmelody.blogspot.com
Xin Yi Han@ http://ice-cream-on-the-floor.blogspot.com
Yong Jie Quek@ http://theonlyplenaryblog.blogspot.com
Yong Hong Ng@ http://myp6life.blogspot.com
Yi Fan Toh@ http://top-music-forever.blogspot.com
Yun Hsin Hwang@ http://have-some-originality.blogspot.com
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Bicep 07-09@ http://bicep07-rox4eva.blogspot.com
Rachel+Me@ http://gossip-is-our-sweets.blogspot.com
Chloe Teo@ http://geogology.blogspot.com
Brenlyn Ng@ http://majesticbombastic.blogspot.com
Kimberly Goh@ http://kimbuddha-lovemycookie.blogspot.com
Cherianne Taim@ http://rainbow-mycolours.blogspot.com
Sheriann Heng@ http://sherry-berry-geography.blogspot.com
Christin Chan@ http://westerneuropespain.blogspot.com


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February 2010



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Saturday, February 20, 2010

An earthquake hits western Turkey on August 17,1999, 0301 local time. It lasted for 45 seconds and was centered 40.74 N., 29.86E., placing the epicenter 11 kilometres southeast the city of Izmit, an industrial city with over a population of around a million, located 90 kilometres east of Istanbul. The earthquake was caused by the crustal movement of the tectonic plate, the Anatolian Plate, towards the west, which Turkey was on. This caused the Anatolian Plate to be squeezed in between the Eurasian Plate and the African Plate.

The magnitude of the earthquake was estimated to be around 7.4- 7.6. The earthquake also caused a tsunami 3 metres high in the Sea of Marmara. Numerous aftershocks occurred, which continued on for days. The first aftershock of 4.6 magnitude occurred only 20 minutes after the main earthquake.The major earthquake produced at least 60 kilometers of surface rupture on the North Anatolian Fault Zone. Official death tolls were recorded as high as 17,000. 34,000 people were injured and 66,000 people remain missing. A crude oil tower in Izmit also collapsed in one of the factories of Tupras, the biggest industrial facility in Turkey. It led to a raging fire. The Turkish government was slow in response to help aid the victims of the earthquake. This angered many Turkish residents and some of them have lost their respect for the ruling elite. Several days after the quake, the Turkey military troop set up 500 tents a day in the area which will be equipped with electricity, water, toilets and medical supplies. They have also increased their number of patrol duties due to several cases of theft in the night. Doctors were also told to look out for epidemic diseases, but there were none to be found yet. The government also made August 30, Turkey's Independence Day, a commemoration for the victims of the quake.

Photos of damage caused by the Izmit earthquake

burning refinery in Izmit

collapsed buildings due to poor structure

an old mosque standing tall after the quake

Other countries also extended a helping hand to help aid the victims of the quake. I felt that more buildings which can withstand earthquakes should be built and people who also live in the dangerous zones where earthquakes are most likely to occur should move to other safer regions or cities of the country. Engineers should also refer to methods of better proper structure building, such as the mosque in the above picture. Residents should also be prepared and should keep a safety kit in their homes or offices which consists of daily needs such as water and food. They can also prevent falling of shelves and racks by placing supports.

In conclusion, the Izmit earthquake caused major damage to the country and we should prevent making or our mistakes again by learning from our past experiences and improve on how we can solve them to reduce the damage of an earthquake.


USGS, EHP web team, http://earthquake.usgs.gov/research/geology/turkey/index.php, 29 January 2009

USGS, EQNET,SCEC, http://www.scec.org/earthquakes/turkey.html, 10 january, 2008

USGS, NEIC Web Team, http://neic.usgs.gov/neis/eq_depot/1999/eq_990817/, August 26, 2005

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